Site icon Matthew S Luckett, Ph.D.

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Hi folks,

If you like what I’m doing here, please do me a favor and follow this blog via email. Simply click the “Follow” button on the right and, if you are not a WordPress member, enter your email address. I follow a bunch of WP blogs myself – you will only get emails whenever I post new stories about my grandpa’s World War II service and other updates, which is about 3-4 times a week. And if you have Gmail, like I do, those emails usually end up in my “Social” tab, and not my main feed.

Anyway, email follows really help me out, especially as I start to turn my blog posts and research into a trade book proposal. Unlike academic publishers, which don’t usually require that their authors have an established online platform with verified traffic and followers, trade publishers care about those sorts of things. Fortunately, judging by the response I’ve been getting about this project, I believe that my grandpa’s story is going to attract a wide, engaged readership . . . and if he were still alive I can say that he would really get a kick out of that!

If you are feeling especially generous, please check out my ‘Current Projects” page for links to some of the other things I am working on. You can also donate to my work by clicking on the “Buy me a coffee” button . . . I am traveling to Maryland in January to do research on my grandpa’s two ships, the Chew and the Mink, at the National Archives, so your contribution will go a long way in helping me defray the costs of that trip. Every little bit helps . . . even a cup of coffee.

Thanks again for stopping by, and wherever you are I hope that you are having a lovely weekend.



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